Drew Jacoby-Senghor

Drew Jacoby-Senghor


Professor Jacoby-Senghor studies how prejudice binds people together and pushes them apart. He studies how people prefer others who appear to be similar to them in terms of their comfort around blacks, and how people with similar levels of implicit racial bias feel more authentic around one another. His research also investigates how having a marginalized identity leads to reduced authenticity and increased rejection, and, in turn, lower workplace commitment, wellbeing, health.

Elizabeth Linos and Sanaz Mobasseri


Collaboration in teams is central for both individuals’ careers, managers’ decisions, and organizations’ productivity. Elizabeth Linos and Sanaz Mobasseri are studying how employees in the consulting industry participate within their teams, how teams collaborate, and how these collaborations shape employees’ careers and organizational outcomes by conducting quantitative and qualitative studies.