Throughout the year we host events at Berkeley Haas and in partnership with industry. These events bring together students and practitioners in thought provoking conversation, exciting pitch competitions and to hear from industry leaders.

Upcoming Events

Summer Conferences

US SIF FORUM 2024: June 24-26 in Chicago

Join SAIF Faculty Co-Director Panos Patatoukas and SAIF Program Director Megan Morrice at this year’s US SIF Forum. Panos will be speaking on Wednesday morning, at “State of the Art in Sustainability: Theory Meets Practice Opening”. The panel will be structured as a theoretical debate, the panel will explore the concept of ‘Material ESG Alpha’ and the theory that improving ESG scores contributes to stock outperformance.

2024 Western Finance Association Conference: June 27 – June 30, 2024 in Honolulu

Join SAIF Faculty Co-Director Adair Morse at the WFA Meeting. Adair will be discussing the costs of the green transition, specifically auto finance in the electric vehicle transition with Elizabeth Klee and Chaehee Shin of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors, and discussant Jordan Nickerson of the University of Washington.

NBER Summer Institute 2024: July 18, July 19, and July 25th 2024  in Cambridge

Join Adair for Week 2 and Week 3 of the NBER Summer Institute. In Week 2 from July 18 – July 19, 2024, Adair has co-organized the SI 2024 Household Finance session, which will include a discussion of auto finance in the electric vehicle transition. In Week 3 on July 25, 2024, Adair will participate in the SI 2024 Law and Economics session in a discussion of the cost of regulatory compliance in the United States.


Save the Date

Climate Solutions Fund Pitch Day: Friday, November 22nd, 2024