Belonging is a fundamental human need. Belonging in the workplace goes beyond simply feeling included, to feeling engaged, inspired and that people at work care about you and your aspirations. Organizations that prioritize belonging benefit from increased productivity and job performance, greater innovation, and improved retention.

This playbook outlines what belonging in the workplace looks like, strategies for organizational leaders to enhance belonging, and how to measure it. It also explores technological tools that can measure and enhance belonging.


Additional Reports

The Role of Technology

Special Briefing

This briefing provides an overview of technological tools—often using artificial intelligence (AI)—being developed and used to assess and enhance belonging in organizations. It delves into trends, concerns, and critical recommendations before using such tools.

Belonging Drivers & Elements


This primer delves into the “Belonging Framework”. It further explains the five drivers of belonging and elements of belonging.

This playbook was developed in partnership with Anaplan.

Belonging Sparks

Kick off your next meeting with a prompt from our Belonging Sparks card deck!

* 52 cards (includes 7​ blanks to add your favorites)