You may apply to the two-year Haas Undergraduate Business Program as a transfer student if you:

  • Are currently enrolled at another college or university.
  • Have not been admitted to the College of Letters & Science or another non-business major at UC Berkeley.
  • Have not earned a bachelor’s degree.
  • Are on track to complete prerequisite courses by the end of the spring term prior to your anticipated start at Haas.

While the University of California gives California community college applicants priority over other transfer applicants, we also accept applications from those applying from institutions outside of the California Community College system.

What We Look For

We evaluate applicants based on the following factors:

  • Grades & Coursework
  • Essays
  • Activities & Awards

How to Apply

Follow the steps below to apply to the Berkeley Haas Undergraduate Program as a transfer student.

Admissions & Enrollment Timeline

Date Admission or Enrollment Event
August-December UC Application process (due by November 30)
January Haas Supplemental Application (due by January 31)
Late April Admission decisions announced
June 1 Deadline to accept offer of admission
End of Spring Term Deadline to complete prerequisites
July-August Haas Summer PreCore Program
Late August New student welcome event and fall classes begin. See the UC Berkeley academic calendar (opens in a new tab) for more details.

Envision Haas Transfer Outreach Program

The Envision Haas transfer outreach program provides admissions information to our growing number of California Community College (CCC) transfer applicants. In partnership with the Haas Business Student Association (HBSA), we offer information sessions that include an admissions presentation and a transfer-student panel. Visit our Events & Advising page to learn more about upcoming events.

Transferring from Four-Year Colleges and International Institutions

UC Berkeley Breadth Requirements

Completion of breadth (general education) courses is not required for admission but you must successfully complete the seven required breadth courses to earn a Bachelor of Science (BS) degree from Berkeley Haas. A course cannot simultaneously be used to satisfy both a prerequisite and a breadth requirement for the business administration major.

Summer PreCore Program

If you’re admitted to the Haas undergraduate program as a transfer student, you’ll be invited to participate in our Summer PreCore Program, which consists of two six-week (three-unit) courses explicitly designed for newly-admitted transfer students.

This is a great opportunity to refresh the skills you’ll need throughout the two-year program, especially the rigorous coursework of the first semester. You’ll also get to attend weekly workshops with guest speakers on a variety of topics. All newly-admitted transfer students are strongly encouraged to enroll.

Next: Exam Credit