It is possible that some or all of your tuition and fees can be covered by a third party with a Third Party Contract (TPC). If your fees are paid by a government agency, foundation, employer, or other outside organization, it is your responsibility to ensure that payment of fees is properly credited. Information regarding eligibility, the enrollment process, and more can be found on the TPC website.
Please note that if you have a Third Party Contract (TPC) in place that covers the Student Health Insurance Fee, Berkeley Campus Fee, Tuition, and the Student Services Fee, you are not eligible for fee remissions. If your authorization letter states that the sponsorship is to be treated as a loan then you remain eligible for fee remissions, however, your TPC will be reduced by the fee remissions applied to your CalCentral account. In either case, fee remissions will not be paid to the student as a refund if fees are being covered by a sponsoring agency.
For those who waive the Student Health Insurance Program (SHIP), the Student Health Insurance Fee will be waived under a separate credit to your account, and as such, you should expect a lower partial fee remission.