This site provides information for and about Graduate Student Instructors (GSIs), Readers (Graders), Graduate Student Researchers (GSRs) and Tutors at the Haas School of Business.

Please review the brief job descriptions below (complete descriptions are available through UC Berkeley’s Graduate Division (opens in a new tab)) to determine what category of ASE best fits your need.

GSIs (Graduate Student Instructors) are registered UC Berkeley graduate students who lead weekly discussion sections (formal/informal) or labs. Duties include teaching, grading, proctoring, holding office hours, and meeting with the instructor to consult on the class throughout the term. As GSIs provide instruction, they are required to attend trainings and must be included in the Instructor Evaluation Process (TIES).

Readers assist with grading homework assignments and examinations. Specific duties may include attendance at lectures, holding office hours, and meeting with GSIs and instructor(s) to discuss the class throughout the term. Readers CANNOT be assigned teaching duties.

Tutors hold sessions with individuals or groups to provide workshops, tutoring, and other types of assistance with the learning of course materials as assigned, in support of the approved academic program.

Graduate Student Researchers (GSRs) are registered UC Berkeley graduate students that provide research-related work for an individual faculty member, center, academic group, degree program, or faculty group.

Please follow the appropriate link to access further information:
Information for Hiring Parties (faculty, program, center)
Information for Candidates (individuals seeking positions)

For comments or questions, please e-mail the ASE Administrator.