Navigating the job search, internship or new job with visible or hidden disabilities can be challenging.
CMG offers support during individual appointments to address managing stress, identifying priorities, and navigating conversations with a new or future employer around disclosure or seeking accommodations .
- Disability Accommodations at School and in the Workplace Workshop
- Disability Inclusion for Leaders: Are You Prepared For the Future of Work? – HaasAbilities Remote Workshop
- Navigating Disability in the Workplace Workshop
- Disclosure to Employers
- UCB’s Career Center’s Webpage for Students with Disabilities – if you are registered with DPS as a student or Alumni you can access some coaching and resources
- Disabled Students’ Program – provides accommodations and services for students with disabilities in the academic environment. DSP offers various programs, including TRiO DSP (additional academic support for qualified students, including for students from low-income backgrounds), Spectrum Connect (autism spectrum support), and career counseling.
- DAC (Disability Access & Compliance) – also offers some services and resources like animals as accommodations and can support non-academic accommodations for campus events. DAC also handles reports of discrimination based on disability.
- Disability Management – works to mitigate workplace disability issues for graduate student instructors and researchers and faculty and staff.
- DSP Handbook
- ASUC Disabled Students Committee – leads advocacy campaigns and uplifts the work of intersectional student groups on campus.
- Disability MBA Conference: Empwr
- Disability:In | Best Places to Work 2020
- Jobs Accommodation Network – is the leading source of free, expert, and confidential guidance on workplace accommodations and disability employment issues.
- Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) – official information and resources for the ADA
- Center for Workplace Mental Health – provides employers with the tools, resources, and information needed to promote and support employees and their families mental health.
- Neurodiversity Resources List – a collection of resources to support neurodiverse students
- Stanford Neurodiversity Project – annual summit (October), job fairs, and resources
- AbilityJOBS – the largest job site for people with disabilities
- Lime Connect – the largest network of high-potential university students and professionals who happen to have disabilities in the world
- Project HIRED – free services for job seekers with disabilities to find and sustain meaningful employment through various services designed to promote self-sufficiency and independence, remove barriers, create opportunities, and help participants build successful careers.
- HBR | We need to talk more about Mental Health at Work – an article advocating for discussing and providing mental health care resources at work.
- HRB Podcast | The Anxious Achiever – rethink mental health and work, with candid stories from leaders who’ve been there.
- Disabilities Trends Report 2022
- NextGen Leadership Mentor Program