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Max Auffhammer and Derek Wolfson Receive 2021 ES&T Best Paper Award
November 15, 2022
The Environmental Science & Technology Journal announced that Energy Institute Faculty Affiliate Maximilian Auffhammer and former Graduate Student Researcher Derek Wolfson are the recipients of the 2021 ES&T Best Paper Award.

Severin Borenstein and Catherine Wolfram Receive 2022 USAEE Adelman-Frankel Award
October 20, 2022
Today the United States Association for Energy Economics announced that Energy Institute Faculty Director Severin Borenstein and Faculty Affiliate Catherine Wolfram are the recipients of the association’s 2022 Adelman-Frankel Award.

Andrew Campbell Appointed to The Western Energy Imbalance Market Governing Body
July 5, 2022
Energy Institute Executive Director Andrew Campbell has been appointed to the Western Energy Imbalance Market (WEIM) Governing Body for a three year-term beginning on July 1, 2022.

Jesse Buchsbaum Completes PhD and Accepts Research Appointment at University of Chicago
May 31, 2022
Energy Institute graduate student Jesse Buchsbaum earned his PhD in Agricultural and Resource Economics in May, and will begin his postdoctoral appointment at the Energy & Environment Lab (Becker Friedman Institute for Economics) at the University of Chicago.

Max Auffhammer Wins 2022 Cheit Award
May 24, 2022
Energy Institute Faculty Affiliate, Max Auffhammer, has been recognized for his teaching in Data and Decisions for the Evening & Weekend MBA Program at Haas.

Matt Tarduno to Join the University of Illinois at Chicago
May 24, 2022
Energy Institute graduate student Matt Tarduno completed his PhD in Agricultural and Resource Economics in May, and will be taking a year-long postdoc at the Harvard University Center for the Environment before joining the University of Illinois at Chicago as an assistant professor in 2023.

Eva Lyubich to Join the Center for Economic Studies at the US Census Bureau
May 24, 2022
Energy Institute graduate student Eva Lyubich completed her PhD in Economics in May, and will be joining the Center for Economic Studies at the U.S. Census Bureau in August.

A Simulated Electricity Market Auction Lights Up Lucas Davis's Energy Markets Course
February 28, 2022
Energy Institute Faculty Associate, Lucas Davis has been recognized for his teaching in the Energy and Environmental Markets class at Haas.

Severin Borenstein Reappointed to CAISO Board
January 6, 2022
Energy Institute Faculty Director, Severin Borenstein has been reappointed to the California Independent System Operator Board of Governors by Governor Newsom.

Karl Dunkle Werner to Join U.S. Treasury's Office of Economic Policy
June 15, 2021
Energy Institute graduate student Karl Dunkle Werner completed his PhD in Agricultural and Resource Economics in May, and plans to join the U.S. Treasury’s Office of Economic Policy in August as an Economist.

Stephen Jarvis to Begin Faculty Position at the London School of Economics after Postdoctoral Research at University of Mannheim
April 20, 2021
Energy Institute graduate student Stephen Jarvis completed his PhD at UC Berkeley’s Energy & Resources Group in December 2020. He is now conducting postdoctoral research in Germany at the University of Mannheim working with Professor Ulrich Wagner. In the Fall he will join the London School of Economics as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Geography & Environment.

Catherine Wolfram Joins U.S. Treasury Department to Lead Energy and Climate Change Policy
March 3, 2021
Energy Institute Faculty Affiliate, Catherine Wolfram, has been selected to join President Biden’s treasury department as deputy assistant secretary for climate and energy economics. Catherine started her role in the treasury’s Office of Economic Policy this week. She is on leave from her most recent position as associate dean for academic affairs and chair of the faculty at Berkeley Haas.

Joseph Shapiro Testifies to the EU Parliament on COVID-19 Trade Policy
October 12, 2020
Joseph Shapiro, Energy Institute Faculty Affiliate, testified to the European Union parliament’s trade policy committee hearing on how EU trade policy reform after COVID-19 may affect energy and the environment. The October 12th public hearing known as ‘Trade Policy Day’, is dedicated to renew EU trade policy after the COVID-19 pandemic.

Stephen Jarvis Wins USAEE Young Professional Best Paper Award
October 5, 2020
Energy Institute Graduate Student Researcher, Stephen Jarvis, wins award with the United States Association for Energy Economics. USAEE’s Young Professional Best Paper Award, gives young energy economists in academia, industry, government, and other organizations an opportunity to compete and present their work to a panel of judges.

Energy Institute Leadership Transition
July 1, 2020
After six years as a faculty director at the Energy Institute, Lucas Davis has decided to return to being a POP (Plain Old Professor). This year, Lucas took over the Haas MBA course in Energy & Environmental Markets and he will be continuing his outstanding research in energy, transportation, and climate change.

In Place of the Usual Energy Institute Blog
June 8, 2020
There is no Energy Institute blog this week. Instead, here at the Energy Institute we have taken the time to learn more about the impact of systemic racism on the black community in the U.S., as well as to honor the memories of…

2020 POWER Conference on Energy Research and Policy: Recap
June 4, 2020
This year we presented the POWER Conference as a series of four virtual sessions. If you were not there, here are some highlights of what you missed…

Susanna Berkouwer Earns Phd and Accepts Faculty Position at Wharton
May 19, 2020
Energy Institute graduate student Susanna Berkouwer completed their PhD in agricultural and resource economics in May and will join the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School as an Assistant Professor in Business Economics and Public Policy in July.

Koichiro Ito Awarded Japanese Economic Association’s Prestigious Ishikawa Prize
November 26, 2019
Energy Institute alum and UC Berkeley Resource Econ PhD (2011) Koichiro Ito awarded Japanese Economic Association’s 2020 Ishikawa Prize for contributions to help solve economic and social problems in Japan.

Some Suggestions for Getting Through a Power Shutoff
October 8, 2019
It will still be a headache, but doing a few simple things now can help.

Matt Woerman Accepts Prestigious Research Appointment
June 18, 2019
Energy Institute graduate student Matt Woerman will begin an assistant professor position in the Department of Resource Economics at the University of Massachusetts Amherst.

Energy Institute's Blog Reaches 1M Views
April 30, 2019
Today we are celebrating the Energy Institute Blog reaching 1 million total views. Our blog has come a long way since its early days in 2012. Thank you for your support!

Severin Borenstein Appointed to CAISO Board by Governor Newsom
January 23, 2019
Governor Gavin Newsom has appointed Severin Borenstein as a member of the California Independent System Operator (ISO) Board of Governors.

Faculty Affiliate Joseph Shapiro Joins the Energy Institute
August 21, 2018
We are delighted to welcome Professor Joseph Shapiro to U.C. Berkeley’s Agricultural & Resource Economics Department and as a Research Affiliate at the Energy Institute.