Upon entry to the Evening & Weekend MBA Program, students are assigned to one of five cohorts:
- Blue Cohort – Monday/Wednesday
- Gold Cohort – Tuesday/Thursday
- Axe Cohort – Saturday
- Oski Cohort – Saturday
- Nexus – Monday/Wednesday
- Lux Cohort – Tuesday/Thursday
Students remain in their assigned cohorts throughout the core curriculum during the first three semesters of the program. The advantage of the cohort system is that it enables students to develop deep personal and professional relationships.
Students may request a cohort switch during Core by completing the Exception Request Form.
Students requesting a cohort change will be added to a waitlist. All requests are considered on a case-by-case basis and by the advising team. Cohort change requests will be granted when it becomes apparent that not changing the cohort assignment will impair the student’s academic progress through the program, but also based on availability. Cohort change requests will not be granted based on preferences of instructor, preference of days for personal reasons, or if in by doing will require postponing a core course beyond the third semester. In reviewing cohort changes, the advising team takes into account the size of the individual cohorts as it relates to room capacity as well as maintaining a balance across all four cohorts.