Tag: CSR
Strategic & Sustainable Business Solutions: Putting Theory into Practice
April 01, 2015
By Zeina Fayyaz, MBA, ‘16 This spring, Robert Strand opened his course, “Strategic & Sustainable Business Solutions” (SSBS), with a reading from an oldie-but-goodie, The Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith. Published in 1776, The Wealth of…
How To Develop Battery Swapping Stations
January 16, 2015
By Mira Inbar, Mira Inbar Consulting, Haas MBA ’09 This post originally appeared on CleanTechnica. When Tesla announced last year that it was going to build battery swapping stations, many journalists and industry insiders harkened back to…
Beyond Yourself: A Principle for the Holiday Season… and Year-round
December 31, 2014
by Robert Strand, CRB Executive Director The holiday season is upon us. I write this piece while nibbling on cookies sprinkled with holiday cheer and I hope to find you in a similar state of good fortune and comfort. The holidays have the great…
Considering Social Impact in Big Business: Can pioneer companies spark a race to the top?
February 27, 2014
By Aarthi Rao, Berkeley-Haas MBA ’15 This post originally appeared on nextbillion.net Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is defined in many ways. Some use it as a catch-all to describe everything from employee volunteerism to company campaigns…
Top 3 Net Impact Wishes for 2014
January 23, 2014
By Frances Chang, MBA ‘15 From “Big data = Bigger impact” to “Biomimicry Design workshop,” Net Impact’s 2013 conference covered all the ways we can make an impact. The breadth of unique topics at the conference made me realize how large…
Corporate Sustainability Insights from CRB Guests in 2013
January 09, 2014
By Jo Mackness, Executive Director All I need to feel inspired about corporate sustainability and its importance in creating a better world I learned from the unbelievable lineup of sustainable business leaders who shared their insights and…
CRB Presents a New Course, “Corporate Governance: Shareholders, Stakeholders, and Corporate Control”
December 30, 2013
Christina Meinberg, CRB Associate Director, interviews Haas lecturer and Chief Investment Officer at Nelson Capital, Lloyd Kurtz, regarding his plans to teach a new MBA course this term, in governance (MBA 292T-1). [CM] We are excited to have you…
Can CSR Thrive in Big Firms With Vast Buyer Power?
August 15, 2013
By Sarah Weldon, Haas MBA ’14 This entry originally appeared in Greenbiz.com’s “Generation S: Voices from B School and Beyond” blog. One of the most commonly used models for business strategy is called Porter’s Five…
Hope for Bangladesh: Fire Safety in the Garment Industry
January 28, 2013
Marcus Chung, Haas MBA 2004 and former Net Impact Board member, reports his impressions after a recent trip to Bangladesh. Marcus is a CSR consultant who has worked in CSR and apparel for the past decade. Formerly head of corporate…
From Theory to Practice: Why Change is Hard on the Path to Sustainability
December 26, 2012
By Evan Weiner, Haas MBA 2014 The theories associated with corporate sustainability have evolved rapidly over the last ten years. From the “triple bottom line” and “shared value” concepts, to advancements in green…