Tag: sustainability
Sustainability: A Responsibility and Opportunity in California and the Nordics
April 29, 2021
Written by: Mahon Walsh, B.S. ’22 CRB Student Advisory Board member On March 24th, the Center for Responsible Business (CRB) presented Business Leadership for Sustainability Transformation, a roundtable discussing the role of business in driving…

Free Mug Share Program Looks to Make a Home in Berkeley
September 13, 2019
Written by Berklee Welsh, BS ’20 As U.C. Berkeley’s Zero Waste by 2020 goal quickly approaches, an all-hands-on-deck approach is needed to make significant progress on achieving the stated 90% diversion rate throughout campus. A…

Corporate sustainability leadership: What we can learn from the Nordics and California
April 29, 2019
Written by Isabella Martin, Master of Development Practice Candidate, Class of 2019 Sustainability is the talk of the town, particularly in the business world. Many companies are now reporting on sustainability however there are few regulations and…

Business as Unusual: Reflections on the UN PRI Finance Roundup
October 21, 2018
Written by Katharine Hawthorne, CRB Student Advisory Board member and MBA ’20 candidate In September, the UN PRI in Person Conference took place in San Francisco, CA at the peak of the Global Climate Action Summit. One of the concluding…

CRB Mobilizes Students to Solve Patagonia’s Most Pressing Sustainability Challenges
October 15, 2018
[perfectpullquote align=”full” bordertop=”true” cite=”” link=”” color=”#15284B” class=”” size=”12″]Join the CRB on November 27th to celebrate 15 years of lasting…

Why Entrepreneurial MBAs Should Look for Opportunities in the $500 Billion US Farm Bill
June 19, 2018
By Elaine Hsu, full-time MBA ‘19 candidate focusing on sustainable food systems Why is an MBA student taking a class on the farm bill? Simply put, you can’t understand the global food system without understanding the farm bill. For…

Can Rapid Growth be “Sustainable”?
April 29, 2018
Written by Maxwell Kushner-Lenhoff, CRB Student Advisory Board, CRB Fellow & MBA ’18 Candidate “What’s your advice for fast-growing companies looking to do so sustainably?” I asked climbing legend and Patagonia Vice President of…

The Rise of Blockchain Has Been Remarkable. Is There Also a Sustainability Story?
April 06, 2018
By David Sternlicht, Full-time MBA ’18 & CRB Student Advisory Board member A few weeks ago, I attended the second edition of Blockchain Unlocked at UC Berkeley’s Law school. It’s a newly launched executive education program designed to…

Divestment vs. Engagement: Activism in Investing
December 10, 2017
On November 16, 2017, headlines across major business and finance news outlets led with stories that Norway’s $1 trillion sovereign wealth fund proposed to sell off all oil and gas stocks from their index. This was just the latest in a series of…

2017 Moskowitz Prize Winner: Who Benefits From Socially Responsible Governance?
October 30, 2017
By Nuria Marquez Martinez, Masters of Journalism candidate & CRB Editorial Writer In 1970, Milton Friedman wrote an op-ed in The New York Times Magazine which argued that the primary role of a corporation was to serve its shareholders, and…