Tag: CSR
The False Dawn of Corporate Social Responsibility
October 20, 2019
This blog post originally appeared in California Management Review’s Blog here on October 9, 2019. Looking at the prospects for more-enlightened corporate behavior in light of the recent headline making pledge of by the Business Roundtable…

Corporate sustainability leadership: What we can learn from the Nordics and California
April 29, 2019
Written by Isabella Martin, Master of Development Practice Candidate, Class of 2019 Sustainability is the talk of the town, particularly in the business world. Many companies are now reporting on sustainability however there are few regulations and…

The Early Days: Founding of the CRB
September 23, 2018
[perfectpullquote align=”full” bordertop=”true” cite=”” link=”” color=”#15284B” class=”” size=”12″]Join the CRB on November 27th to celebrate 15 years of lasting…

2017 Moskowitz Prize Winner: Who Benefits From Socially Responsible Governance?
October 30, 2017
By Nuria Marquez Martinez, Masters of Journalism candidate & CRB Editorial Writer In 1970, Milton Friedman wrote an op-ed in The New York Times Magazine which argued that the primary role of a corporation was to serve its shareholders, and…

Kimberly-Clark & CRB Foster Creative Collaboration in Flexible Film Recycling Forum
June 05, 2017
By Olivia Offutt, CRB Student Advisory Board & MDP ’18 It was 4 o’clock and the forum was wrapping up. Whiteboard walls in the breakout rooms were scrawled with brightly colored marker, tables were covered in post-its and sharpies, and the…

The Sustainability and Human Rights Story Behind Your Jeans
April 27, 2017
Shanna Hoversten, CRB Student Advisory Board & MBA/MPH ‘17 I am a long-time Levi Straus & Company (LS&Co.) customer. As a Bay Area native, I’ve visited the company’s flagship store in San Francisco countless times, and…

Collaboration in a Competitive Market: Applying Game Theory and Negotiation Tactics to Creating Shared Value
March 15, 2017
By Harris Googe, CRB Patagonia Case Competition Student Lead and MBA ’18 Candidate In Porter and Kramer’s progression from “Strategic Philanthropy” and “Strategic CSR” to “Creating Shared Value,” they highlight a critical shift in…

The Role Of Business In Society: A Discussion Of Cuba’s Opportunity To Shape Its Budding Private Sector
February 13, 2017
By Samantha Penabad, CRB Student Advisory Board & MBA ’18 Candidate Having studied and worked at the intersection of business and society for the past ten years, I’ve been quoted Milton Friedman’s New York Times Magazine article…

Learnings from the 2016 Berkeley Sustainable Business & Investment Forum (BSBIF)
November 29, 2016
By Samantha Penabad, CRB Student Advisory Board & MBA ’18 Candidate, and David Cogswell, CRB Student Advisory Board & MBA ’18 Candidate On October 27 and 28, business leaders and academics convened at UC Berkeley for the…
Eaten Up With Guilt: Responding to Our Own Unethical Behavior in the Workplace
September 02, 2015
Introductory comments from CRB Executive Director, Robert Strand: The Academy of Management (AOM) is the preeminent academic association for management and organization scholars. It follows that the Social Issues in Management division of AOM is the…