Tag: Levi Strauss & Co.
Sustainable Innovation: How are companies utilizing sustainability as a driver for innovation?
October 18, 2019
Written by Nerjada (Ada) Maksutaj, MBA ’20, CRB Fellow On September 18th, the Center for Responsible Business launched its new focus area: Sustainable Innovation, with a Peterson Speaker Series. We were lucky to hear from panelists…

Case Studies: Inspiring the Next Generation of Responsible Leaders
July 31, 2019
Authoring sustainability-minded case studies is one way the CRB helps move sustainability further into the mainstream. Working with the Berkeley-Haas Case Series and the California Management Review, we develop case studies suitable for inclusion…

Building Sustainable Chemistry with Levi Strauss & Co.
July 26, 2019
Levis Strauss is a longtime partner of both the Haas School of Business and the Center for Responsible Business. As a leader in the sustainable apparel industry, Levi’s has challenged and inspired many of the students who pass through Haas. Their…

“Much Is Expected” – Reflecting on the 2017 Net Impact Conference
November 29, 2017
Days before being sworn in as the 35th President of the United States, John F. Kennedy urged, “To whom much is given, much is required… At some future date the high court of history sits in judgment on each of us—recording whether in our brief…

2016-17 CRB Year in Brief: Letter from the Executive Director
October 04, 2017
Dear Friends of the Center for Responsible Business: The 2017-18 academic year is off and running. The campus is abuzz with students and the first year MBAs have been pounding down the CRB doors and filling our “Coffee with the CRB” chats to…

Finding the Will for Green Chemistry
June 20, 2017
By Anne Kramer, CRB Student Advisory Board & MBA ’18 Candidate; Maxwell Kushner-Lenhoff, CRB Student Advisory Board, CRB Fellow & MBA ’18 Candidate Kofi Annan, former UN Secretary-General, once said of a failing cause, “We have the…

The Sustainability and Human Rights Story Behind Your Jeans
April 27, 2017
Shanna Hoversten, CRB Student Advisory Board & MBA/MPH ‘17 I am a long-time Levi Straus & Company (LS&Co.) customer. As a Bay Area native, I’ve visited the company’s flagship store in San Francisco countless times, and…