Tag: Student Perspective
My Visit to Bentonville: Inside the World’s Biggest Supply Chain
January 07, 2013
Katie DeWitt, Haas MBA 2014, is featured in Greenbiz’s “Generation S” column. In this week’s post, she writes about her involvement in a student fellowships, in which she and her teammates are helping to roll out…
From Theory to Practice: Why Change is Hard on the Path to Sustainability
December 26, 2012
By Evan Weiner, Haas MBA 2014 The theories associated with corporate sustainability have evolved rapidly over the last ten years. From the “triple bottom line” and “shared value” concepts, to advancements in green…
Adventures from the Front Lines of SRI Investing
November 09, 2012
By Emilie Deng, Haas MBA ‘13 Earlier this month, I attended the SRI Conference on Sustainable, Responsible Impact Investing, which is the largest annual gathering of responsible investors and investment professionals in North America. You might…
Making the Switch: From Sports to Speeding up Solar
September 21, 2012
By: Kyle Rudzinski, Berkeley-Haas MBA 2014 In 2008, a distinct career path lay before me: I would one day become a college athletics director. I earned a master’s degree focusing on higher education, played five years of college soccer, and worked…
CRB Graduate Student Applies Learnings as EDF Climate Corps Fellow
August 13, 2012
By Katie DeWitt, Haas MBA ‘13 From day one, my 10-week summer internship as an Environmental Defense Fund Climate Corps fellow at National Geographic felt like an extended business school case study. The best part about this was being able to draw…
So You Say You Want to Work in Sustainability?
April 26, 2012
By Katie DeWitt, First Year Berkeley-Haas MBA Student Coming from a nonprofit and government background (at business school we’re called “poets”), I came to Haas with the aim of getting some private sector experience in my areas of interest,…
Everyday CSR: Your Personal Social Responsibility Strategy
May 13, 2010
At the conclusion of the school year, energy is high and spirits are lifted at the promise of a new season of barbeques, picnics, swimming in the ocean, camping trips, and summer blockbusters. While people can see the summer as an escape from the…
A New Way To Think About Disaster Management In CR
May 11, 2010
As I worked with my client this semester to develop an understanding of what best practices exist in CSR and disaster relief programs, I came across an interesting quote that truly redefined the way that I thought about CSR. Some experts believe…
Internals: Should Good HR = Good CSR?
May 11, 2010
While working on my corporate social responsibility (CSR) client’s project this term, my group had an interesting dilemma: what counts as internal CSR? They are certainly part of the un-sexy side of CSR that hides unmentioned in the shadows of…