Hiring a Student Assistant

Student Assistant Series FAQs

All student new hires and rehires (rehire = break in service) are required to perform duties from within the United States. Your request to hire casual students should be submitted through the process listed below. If you are hiring a Work-Study student, please review the information listed on UC Berkeley’s Work-Study page prior to completing the action steps below.

Action Steps

1. Once you have identified the student to be hired/rehired, submit the Haas Student Position Number Request form to request a position number. Your request is routed to Haas HR, and someone will follow up within 48 hours.

2. After receiving the position number, complete the FY24-25 Student Hiring Form. Enter the number you obtained from Haas HR in the form (position number field). The form will be routed to Berkeley Regional Services (BRS) for processing. Required fields are marked with an asterisk on the form. The required fields are below (all other fields are optional, including funding info):

  • Student’s legal first and last name
  • Position Number
  • Student email address
  • Supervisor’s first and last name
  • Appointment Start and End Dates
  • Does the Student hold another concurrent job (e.g. multiple jobs at UCB or another UC campus)?
  • Hourly Compensation Rate
  • Confirmation of whether the student MUST have work study
  • Appointment percentage
  • Name and contact information of person submitting form
  • Job Description (Needed only when background check required)
  • Background Check (only occasionally applicable to student assistants)

3. After submitting the Student Hiring Form, email your Finance Analyst (Haas Finance Assignments) to notify them that you have completed a form to hire a student. Your financial analyst will link your position to the appropriate funding codes.

4. Do not allow the student to perform work until you have received confirmation from BRS that the student has completed onboarding and is able to start. Students must be paid for work performed, so it is very important that they do not start until you have been given approval from BRS.

Extending a Student Worker’s Appointment

If you wish to extend an existing student assistant’s appointment, please submit a request through the Student Assistant Appointment Extension form. The form will be routed to Berkeley Regional Services (BRS) for processing.

Hiring a GSI, GSR, Course Reader, or Tutor

To hire (or for questions regarding) GSI, GSR, Course Reader, or Tutor appointments, contact the Graduate Student Personnel Administrator unit.