Performance Management
At UC Berkeley, a collaborative partnership among an employee, their supervisor and the University is at the heart of performance management. This partnership focuses on performance planning and review, coaching for success, and professional development.
High quality communication and ongoing performance discussions between employees and supervisors are essential.
- Employees at all levels are responsible for actively communicating with their supervisors about their performance.
- Supervisors are responsible for developing performance expectations with the participation of employees.
UC Berkeley is committed to an effective and fair approach to performance management which encourages and rewards excellence.
Berkeley Achieve Together (for Non-Represented Staff)
We’ve evolved the performance management process to drive more employee engagement and organizational agility. We call it Achieve Together, and it emphasizes frequent check-in conversations between employees and supervisors. This approach provides greater opportunities to:
- Align goals and expected outcomes with department priorities.
- Shift goals to support changing needs.
- Support professional development by having more dynamic performance discussions.
Performance Management Forms
Form for Non-Represented Staff
- Achieve Together form for documenting performance check-in conversations
Form for Represented Staff
- Haas Performance Evaluation form for Represented Staff
- Haas Self-Assessment Form for Represented Staff (voluntary for staff to complete)
- Managing the Performance Review Process for Represented Employees – Guide for Supervisors/Managers