Need a quick answer? Here’s a primer for Haas faculty and staff on where to find what at Haas and at UC Berkeley.
When you are ready to request an ergo assessment for your workstation, please send an email to [email protected]. Haas Facilities will process your request and contact the Tang Center to schedule your ergo. Please note, ergonomics matching grant funds can only be used once at any given department at UCB. Though if you already used your funds once at Haas, you can still arrange for an ergo in your current workstation.
- How do I find safety and emergency information? View it online.
- How do I report an injury at work? It is the supervisor’s responsibility to complete the Employer’s Report of Incident within one working day of their knowledge of the injury. Once the form is completed please notify the Assistant Dean for HR and Admin and Haas Facilities.
- How do I find an employee’s org chart? Please find them here. If you have updates that need to be made, please email us.
- How do I find where a Haas employee sits? We have an interactive directory available, please find it here. In addition you may use the UC Berkeley online directory to find contact information for all UC Berkeley Staff.
- Find out who the faculty assistants at Haas are? Here is a list of the Faculty Assistant Assignments and the faculty groups they work with.
- Find out who the GSIs at Haas are? Contact Rosina Rocco, in addition here’s information about the GSIs.
- How do I hire a staff member? Visit our Hiring Staff page for all details and forms.
- How do I review applications in UCPath? Hiring managers can view this document for instructions on how to review new applications.
- How do I make an offer to my top candidate? After the recruitment process has completed you may make a verbal offer; once candidate accepts, create and send your offer letter. Please work with Haas Staff HR.
- How do I hire a student? Visit our Hiring Students page for all details and forms.
- How do I schedule an Haas Orientation for a new staff member? Our Staff HR team will reach out to new employees to schedule a Welcome to Haas Orientation during their first week. In addition, new staff also receive an invitation for the New Employee Lunch and Learn held every other month and hosted by a member of the Senior Leadership team, the Haas Assistant Dean for HR and Administration, and staff organization representatives.
- How do I obtain a Cal 1 Card? Employees receive Cal 1 Card support services in either of two ways: Make an appointment ahead of time or on the first floor corridor of Sproul Hall (north end), you’ll find two telephone booth-type kiosks. Using either of the kiosks, you will place yourself in a virtual queue instead of having to wait in a physical line. You will then be notified via text when you can return for service.
Please review the Getting a Card page for further details. - Questions about staffing, new hires and other personnel issues? Contact the Assistant Dean for HR and Administration. For general HR questions, you can also consult the Haas HR website or the UC Berkeley HR page. As an additional resource, you can reach out to our Berkeley Regional Services business partner.
- How do I announce a resignation? An email will be sent by the manager to all Haas staff for departures of Assistant Deans/Executive Directors only. For all other roles, the manager should only email the immediate team and other specific individuals who should be in the loop.
- What do I do when someone resigns? Please make sure that the resignation is in writing with the individual’s last date of work. Forward that to [email protected].
- Purchase textbooks, course readers, office supplies, or office furniture? For textbooks, contact Loyrisha Aucoin. If you need to purchase office furniture, contact Gerardo Campos.
Office supplies are available for faculty and staff. Visit the supply room located within the Student Services Building mail room S-545. Dennis Fritzinger can assist you in locating specific items or ordering.
- Questions about mailing services? Visit the mail room located within the Student Services Building mail room S-545. Dennis Fritzinger can assist you in creating your mailbox, sending and receiving mail, inter-office mail, etc. Fedex and UPS drop off is available.
- Send campus mail? Intra-campus mail for UC Berkeley campus destinations should always be distributed in the yellow campus mail envelopes, which are available in the mail room. Include the following address components: Mail Code (required), Department Name (required), Addressee Name (optional), Department Address (optional). Drop off mail in the brown, outgoing mail cabinet in S-545. Campus mail services delivers and picks up campus mail every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
- Send FedEx? All FedEx shipments should be processed online using Please follow these instructions to obtain a user ID, and create a shipping label. Once you have created your shipping label and have attached it to your package(s), you may leave them in the mail room in the designated drop-off areas marked, “FedEx Ground,” or “FedEx Express.” Envelopes, boxes, and pouches are available in the mail room for your convenience.
- Send U.S. Mail? To send U.S. mail, please attach proper postal stamps and address components onto your mail. You may drop off all letter mail in the brown, outgoing mail cabinet in S-545 in the slot labeled, “Outgoing Mail.”
- Questions about my timecard? Visit CalTime for resources and access. For questions about missing time card deadlines or errors reach out to our BRS Business Partner or our Staff Experience Analyst. We also have included the manual time card for bi-weekly and monthly staff.
- Questions about expense reimbursement? Faculty members can contact a faculty assistant; staff members should reach out to our Haas Finance Team.
- Get a staff/faculty parking permit? Contact Parking and Transportation for information on permits, shuttles, alternative transportation.
- Get a visitors parking permit? For course guest speakers, contact the program office, otherwise departments provide their own passes. One of the experts at the Dean’s Suite Front Desk can assist. Passes can be reserved ahead of time for visitors.
- Figure out the best way to get to Haas? Parking and Transportation has information on permits, shuttles, alternative transportation.
- Find out about events and schedules at Haas and at UC Berkeley? Check the campus academic calendar for the school class and holiday schedules. The campus event calendar lists lectures, events, exhibits, and other happenings across campus. You can also check the Daily Cal and the UC Berkeley News Center online for campus events and news.
- Gain access to UC libraries? The UC libraries website lists hours, collections, services, guides, and catalogs.
- Learn my way around campus? The campus map includes travel information and an interactive campus index. If you don’t find what you need there, the Visitor Services web site discusses in-person tours, directions to campus, and parking suggestions.
- Find out about HR and benefits information?
The Haas HR pages are an excellent resource for all of your personnel questions including Benefits, Career Development, Policies and Recognition.
Haas Staff HR or Academic Personnel (for faculty) are the primary contacts at Haas for benefits and leaves.
The UC Benefits Information website is the online place to start for health, retirement, online forms, and benefits news.
The campus Employee Assistance Program is a free, confidential counseling, consultation, referral for faculty and staff.
Check the UC Berkeley People and Culture page for human resources information such as benefits, labor relations, jobs, policies, classification, forms, and employee development.
University Health Services is the first place to go for information on training and workshops, Health Matters, educational resources, occupational health, ergonomics, and workers’ compensation.
- How do I access information about taking a medical leave? For direct benefits assistance, please open a Service Now ticket. Please visit the Leaves page on the UC Berkeley Central HR website.
- How do I access conflict management resources? Individuals who work together often have different work goals and personal styles. Because of this, workplace conflict can sometimes result. UC Berkeley Central Human Resources has a section dedicated to “Managing Conflict,” which includes details and resources. You may also wish to reach out to the Haas HR team for a one-on-one discussion for assistance.
- For Represented Staff: Performance Evaluations are conducted annually around August. Probationary Evaluations are conducted approximately six months after the date of hire. Evaluation forms may be downloaded from the Haas HR Performance Management webpage.
- For Non-Represented Staff: Haas managers and their direct reports will have two formal check-ins annually. The two check-ins will use standardized questions to help talk about four themes:
1. Goal Accomplishment – meaning how well organizational, business unit, and individual work
goals are achieved.
2. Job Mastery – meaning how well you demonstrate knowledge, skills, and abilities related to
your role and how these boost your performance and organizational contributions.
3. Collaboration – meaning how well you collaborate with others and support their success in
achieving organizational goals.
4. Innovation – meaning how well you use your knowledge and experience to generate new,
actionable ideas which improve outcomes and add efficiencies.
Of course direct reports and managers can and should always talk about performance matters and professional
development on an ongoing basis as well. Visit the Performance Management page for all details. - Upon hiring an employee supervisors should thoroughly review the Guide to Managing Human Resources Chapter 6: Probationary Period
- Personnel policies surrounding probation are different depending upon whether your employment appointment is non-represented or represented by a labor contract. Non-represented employees follow Personnel Policies for Staff Members and the Probation Policy is found under Section 22. Employee’s represented under the Clerical and Allied Services contract will find the Probationary Policy within the Contract Article 29.
- If you have questions regarding these policies, contact the Assistant Dean for HR and Administration for guidance.
UC has a process set up so employees can provide complete Employment Verification to interested parties.
Current employees (or those who departed UC after January 2019) should log in to UCPath and select: Employee Actions > Income & Taxes > Verification of Employment and follow the instructions “How to Provide Proof of Your Employment and Income.”
From the above steps, you can also generate an Employment Verification report that you can send them, but most will still want to complete the employment verification. You can also view these instructions on the Employee Resources page for UCPath.
If you need to have forms completed by your Employer, please open a ServiceNow ticket for the BRS Records Management Team. You can then attach the form that needs to be completed to the SN Case along with the details of your request.
Please note that we are not employees of Haas or UC Berkeley. We are employees of the University of California, as indicated on our W2 & pay stub. Please review your W2 & pay stub for employer and address information.
- How do I read the staff blog? Visit this link.
- What is Bearbuy? BearBuy is an online purchasing system that streamlines processes, increases efficiencies and achieves significant long-term savings. BearBuy offers our campus a single point of entry where faculty, staff and students can go to shop and manage payment for most of their campus-related purchases.
- How do I use Donut’s collaboration tool to connect with more people? At Berkeley Haas we’re using Donut to build a stronger community through brief “coffee chats” between randomly paired individuals. To sign up for Donut, sign into Slack and then find the #Haas-connections. Once you sign up you will be matched with another Haas staff member every three weeks. If you need help, please contact Haas HR.
- Where can managers get a copy of their team’s Flexible Work Agreements? Managers should keep a copy on and can also contact [email protected] for a copy.
- When should managers review and update their unit’s Flexible Work Agreements (FWAs?) FWAs should be updated whenever there is a permanent change to a person’s schedule; everyone who works less than 100% of their time on campus should have one on file. See “Flexible Work at Haas,” which includes links to both the Flexible Work Agreement forms and the exception request form.
- How can I make changes to the Org Chart (in Pingboard)? Please check the Org Chart periodically to make sure that your team is listed accurately, names are spelled correctly, working titles are listed accurately, vacancies are noted appropriately, and everyone has a photo with their profile. Any changes – and photos – can be submitted at this link.
- How can I see where rooms are or where people sit within Haas? Check Office Space to find rooms and people; please also check to ensure that your team’s seating location is listed accurately. Any changes can be made by submitting a FixIt ticket to Facilities by emailing [email protected]
- What is our record retention policy? As a practice, we ask all staff to regularly check drives, files, and team drives and eliminate redundant or unnecessary information. It is also important to ensure that all critical documents have shared or SPA account access. Refer to the UC Records Retention Schedule policy for retention requirements.
- How can I update the sign on my office door that lists name, title, and schedule? Use this link to instructions about how to get a new sign created.
- Is my “People Card” up to date, as required by law and policy? Please check and add business phone numbers as needed. If your employee is represented by a union and does not have either a dedicated landline or Haas cell phone number, please complete this form so that we can work with you on options.
- How can I tell if my staff are up to date with Foundational or other training requirements? Check the UC Learning Center and then use the “learner” and “manager” dashboards on the left to check which required training sessions are due soon (or overdue).
- I think I may need a new laptop. Can I order one? The Computer Replacement Policy outlines the Staff Computer Lifecycle Replacement Program (CLR), which was established to standardize equipment for improved performance and maintenance across all Haas-owned computers. Please review the policy for details.
- Can I upgrade the furniture in my office? The staff office furniture standardization and ordering process describes our policy for streamlining the selection and purchase process for office furniture. Upgrades are paid for out of your department budget, so check with your supervisor also to see if funds are available.
- What are best practices for booking travel? UC Berkeley sponsored travel should first be approved by your supervisor. Travel should be booked through ConnexUC. Students, staff, and faculty have access to UC’s Systemwide Travel Program with comprehensive rates and benefits for all those affiliated with UC. You are also able to book personal travel and have access to negotiated discounts and rewards with major airlines, lodging properties, car rental properties, and rail and travel agencies.