Responsible Business Blog
Bee the Change You Wish to See in the World
March 07, 2010
Can a pro-ice cream campaign appeal to the lactose-intolerant, the fat-fighting, the calorie-conscious, and the cholesterol-aware? Haagen Dazs is making it happen. The premium ice cream maker is addressing the plight of the honey bee, which has…
How much is your CSR worth?
March 07, 2010
CSR needs to create business value, otherwise why would any company do it? Our class continually reinforces this principle. However, it is extremely difficult to figure out what the business value to a company is from the outside. Given that the…
Carbon Counterfactual
March 07, 2010
Living in Berkeley has skewed my perception on the views of society towards climate change. It is easy to get excited about making significant change when a lot of the focus is around developing low carbon solutions. Is climate change too big of an…
Greening and Re-Branding
March 06, 2010
AT&T Collaborates with GE to Switch to LED Signage Renewable energy technologies are very important in our world today. In the United States, we have done a phenomenal job in our research and development practices involved in creating,…
The Importance of Integrating CSR Across Business Units
March 03, 2010
In the Strategic CSR class at Haas, I am working with two other students on a project to integrate sustainability into the value chain of an online retailer. We recently had our first in-person meeting with the client to gather more information and…
Sustainability at the Olympics
March 02, 2010
As I was watching all the athletes represent their countries in the exciting events, from snowboarding to short track skating, I began to wonder how the Olympics is involving itself in sustainability efforts since it is an iconic global event. With…
The Sustainable Future of Packaging
March 02, 2010
Since launching my research into sustainable consumer packaging, I have become much more observant of the (high) level of packaging I personally consume every day. Sure, I can recycle that can of soda, but many other everyday items come wrapped in…
“Clinical Trials” of CSR Showing Promising Results for Big Pharma
March 01, 2010
With healthcare costs rising rapidly, biotech companies are being pegged as the “bad guy” and are facing pressure to reduce drug prices and thus their profits. As a student interested in both biotech and CSR, I wonder where biotech companies…
PLAYgreen festival II
March 01, 2010
Friday, February 26, 2010. 10am–4pm. UC Berkeley Campus, Pauley Ballroom. PLAYgreen festival II: “an initiative that provides eco-friendly resources, news, information and solutions for individuals who want to play, work and live a greener…
Moving Toward Transparency and Standard Reporting
February 28, 2010
As companies strive to maximize value for all stakeholders many of them are consistently falling short in two key areas – transparency and reporting. Stakeholders often do not know where to look for information on a company’s Corporate Social…