The Berkeley Haas Full-Time MBA Program offers an enriching and transformative academic experience. Students are equipped with a strong foundation in business fundamentals and the chance to explore numerous innovative electives to enhance their knowledge and skills. Throughout their MBA journey, students receive the necessary tools and resources to empower them in becoming confident leaders as they navigate through the changing business landscape.
Academic Calendar
Review the academic calendar for important current and upcoming program-related dates.
Academic Calendar
Academic Planning
The academic experience at Berkeley Haas is designed to teach students a broad set of foundational skills. Building on the required core courses, you can then choose from innovative elective courses, pursue an area of emphasis, or participate in an exchange program.
Use the following information to understand your academic requirements, explore opportunities, and create a plan of study that will help you meet your goals.
MBA courses range from 1 – 3 units. Please see below for a breakdown of contact hours:
- 1-unit represents about 45-60 hours of work (15 classroom hours plus 30-45 hours of prep)
- 2-units represents about 90-120 hours of work (30 classroom hours plus 60-90 hours of prep)
- 3-units represents about 135-180 hours of work (45 classroom hours plus 90-135 hours of prep)
To review your degree progress, you can use the Academic Progress Report (APR) function in CalCentral (please note the APR Summary in OLR will be retired soon so it is no longer showing updated information).
- Core Courses
- Elective Courses
- Applied Innovation Courses
- Independent Study Courses
- Student-Initiated Courses
- Non-Haas Courses
- Teams@Haas
- Areas of Emphasis
- Graduation Requirements
- Concurrent Degree Requirements (MBA/MPH, MBA/MEng, MBA/JD)
- Academic Progress Report (APR) in CalCentral
Contact the Academics Team or schedule an appointment with your Academic Advisor(opens in a new tab) for assistance and questions when designing your roadmap on your MBA journey.
Academic Opportunities
Depending on your goals, you may be interested in pursuing a certificate program, traveling abroad to gain international experience, or getting involved with various projects on and off campus. Here are opportunities that you can consider during your time at Haas.
Registration and Enrollment
The Full-Time MBA Program has two enrollment phases. To learn more about the enrollment process and the timeline, review the information below:
Academic Norms
The program’s core faculty and the MBA Association (MBAA) have co-created academic norms to facilitate a classroom experience that is as supportive and productive as possible for all students. These norms invite every student to be inclusive and supportive of one another, to show up on time and remain engaged, and to utilize technology in a learning-focused way.
The graphic below further elaborates on the four norms and includes examples of behaviors that reinforce each norm:
Policies and Standards
Academic policies and standards are voted on, approved by, and enforced by UC Berkeley faculty. The Academics Team provides clarity to students on their specific situations, so they can better understand how policies directly impact their academic outcomes.
Review the policies and standards directory below for more information.
- Academic Code of Conduct
- Academic Misconduct Policy
- Academic Honors
- Academic Standing and Probation
- Access to Student Records
- Accommodation for Pregnancy and Parenting
- Attendance
- Auditing
- Core Course Waivers
- Discrimination and Harassment
- Grades at Haas
- Grade Appeals
- Independent Study
- Leaves, Transfers, Withdrawals
- Non-Haas Courses
- Registration for MBA Electives
- Religious Holidays
Meet the Team
The FTMBA Academics Team will support and guide you through the curricular choices that will enable you to meet your program goals.